47th edition of Podiatry Interviews on October 7 and 8, 2022

23 agosto 2024
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Mark your calendars!

The 47th edition of the Entretiens de Podiatrie will take place on October 7 and 8, 2022 , in Paris, Espace Champerret.

This year the theme will be: The role of the podiatrist in the multi-professional care of children .

It's the big return of in-person Podiatry Interviews, come and attend conferences and chat with your podiatry equipment suppliers.

Find us at stand no. 35!

The prices

• Access to the stand lounge only: FREE
• Access to conferences and lounge for non-FNP members: €375.00
• Access to conferences and FNP member lounge: €290.00
• Access to conferences and student lounge (with proof): €35.00


The program

Discover below the detailed program of this new 2022 edition:

Friday October 7, 2022

Session 1

“Advances and development of research in child care”
Session 2

“Clinical examination of the child in a podiatry-chiropody practice”
10:00 a.m.: Introduction - Stéphane VERMAND , Podiatrist DE, PhD 2:00 p.m.: Clinical examination of the child and prioritization of treatments - Gérard VALLIER , Doctor, Osteopath
10:15 a.m.: Early perception-action coupling: basis for the construction of sensory-motor representations and inspiration for developmental remediation - Christine ASSAIANTE , Doctor of Neuroscience and Researcher in Neuroscience at the CNRS 2:45 p.m.: Should a child under 7 years old be fitted with a device? - Pierre NGUYEN , Podiatrist DE, Osteopath
11:30 a.m.: Motor Imagery, sensorimotor path from fundamental research to multidisciplinary clinical practice - Marc JANIN , Podiatrist DE, PhD
3:15 p.m.: Role of the podiatrist in the management of learning disabilities - Noémie FERRARI , Podiatrist DE, DU Perception Action and Learning Disabilities
12:00 p.m.: Choosing the right shoe for children: review of scientific literature - Stéphane VERMAND , Podiatrist DE, PhD 3:45 p.m.: Break
4:15 p.m.: Comparative study of the different kinetic parameters during walking and their variability in dyslexic subjects vs. normal readers - Frank-Jourdan FERRARI , Podiatrist DE, MSc
4:45 p.m.: Maddox Perceptive, clinical evaluation in the management of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Dysproprioception Syndrome - Marc JANIN , Podiatrist DE, PhD
5:15 p.m.: Integration of the biopsychosocial approach in the pediatric field - Tiphaine JEANNE , Osteopath
5:45 p.m.: The child, the parents and the podiatrist: deciphering the complexity of establishing a relationship of trust in consultation and resources available to the podiatrist - Fabienne CHERDO , Podiatrist DE, MSc

Saturday October 8, 2022

Session 3

“Management of children’s pathologies in a podiatry practice”
  Session 4

“Care for the child athlete in a podiatry-chiropody cabin”
9:00 a.m.: Sport and pediatrics - Corentin TANNE , Pediatrician 2:00 p.m.: Role of the podiatrist in the therapeutic management of idiopathic scoliosis - Jean -François CATANZARITI , MPR Physician, Maison de la scoliose
10:00 a.m.: The role of the podiatrist in the management of growth pathologies in athletes - Gauthier CRESSANT , Podiatrist DE, Physical trainer
3:00 p.m.: Interest of orthopedic insoles for the most frequent reasons for consultations in pediatric podiatry: what does the scientific literature say? - Stéphane VERMAND , Podiatrist DE, PhD
10:30 a.m.: Literature review on growth pathologies in athletes - Fanny RENARD , Podiatrist DE
3:30 p.m.: Evaluation and treatment of toe deformities in children - Cécile GARSON , Podiatrist DE
11:30 a.m.: Management of growth pathologies by K-taping in podiatry - Jérémie REBELO , Podiatrist DE 4:00 p.m.: Use of an AQM system in a podiatry practice for the clinical examination of children within a multidisciplinary approach - Cyril MARCHOU , Podiatrist DE

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